United Cowboys offers Masterclasses which can be booked privately, or can easily be embedded in festival programs, educational programs or performing arts events.
The "biotope" created by United Cowboys, functions as an environment for improvisation and development of new, individual material durning the Masterclass.
The strongly physical masterclasses start by introducing tools for a radical presence on stage, related to the challenging balance between vulnerability and power. All participants are invited to present their physicality and defend their individual territory.
The individual profiles, as result of this introduction, will be the foundation for a guided and structured improvisation at first.
The further the Masterclass evolves, the more freedom and space will be conquered.
Eventually, the group works up to an ongoing set-up of dance, images, structures and flows.
- Explore individual approaches to movement in an intimate setting, based on the "biotope" environment.
- Investigate multidisciplinary inputs from the field of image, dance, music and site-specific structures.
- Spark collaborations and exchange initiatives
“Biotope /ˈbʌɪətəʊp/
The region of a habitat associated with a particular ecological community.”
Possible Continuation
Masterclass participants will have the chance to be invited to join future productions and collaborations by United Cowboys.
Often our Masterclasses spark new collaborations, forge new international networks and encourage exchange initiatives.
Typically the Masterclasses offered by United Cowboys run over a period of 2 day sessions, up to a week.
Number of Participants
Limited placements. Group sizes can vary between 3-15.
* Masterclasses can be tailored to the individual needs of the group, organizer or event.
Inquiries: info@united-c.nl
Top image: Masterclass GREC Festival, Barcelona
Masterclass Cologne 2017
Masterclass Fontys School of Performing Arts