United Cowboys has built an extensive international network over the past 25 years - from attracting associated artists, over artistic partner organisations or venues, to participation in international discourses about artistic development and urgent topics concerning the future development of the cultural landscape.
Naturally United Cowboys further deepens and expands these international relationships, which are so very crucial to participating actively in the discourse and understanding the global cultural shifts of tomorrow. With a multi –angled approach, United Cowboys has become a platform for artistic exchange, risk-taking and collaborative investigation beyond borders, based on long-term partnerships. Every collaboration naturally leads to a new outcome, tailor-made for the occasion, the opportunities and the shared goals.
We gladly invite like-minded international partners, to join the convoy. To boost the discourse, to dive into questions, to challenge the conventional, to share new perspectives and expertise from different cultural contexts, and to co-create a sustainable international network.
AIR BRABANT - Art Residency Platform
Artist-in-Residence platform Brabant is a collaboration between the providers of artists’ residencies in North Brabant. Unted Cowboys is glad to part of this initiative by offering residency spaces to artists that want to explore the ‘slightly different’ approach.
Read more HERE.
Currently at residence: Wessel Verrijt
Guest Host at Local Radio Broadcast - 2021
Pauline Roelants continues the hosting radio broadcast series with special guests in 2023.
United Cowboys with musician Iris Penning - 04.05.2023
United Cowboys with artist Oscar van der Put - 06.04.2023
United Cowboys with Rob Schonen - 09.03.2023
United Cowboys with Gieske Bienert - 09.02.2023
United Cowboys with Marlou van der Cruijsen - Baltan Laboratories - 01.06.2023
More here: https://www.mixcloud.com/RARARADIO_EHV
Collaboration with Dutch Design Week
In collaboration with the Dutch Design Week, United Cowboys investigates co-creational ways of cross-disciplinary working methods between the areas of design and performative practices.
We will be happy to continue our collaboration with the Dutch Design Week in the future as an official location in 2023.
United Cowboys collaborates/collaborated on the following EU projects :
A collaborative EU project exploring ‘repair’ as a mean to trigger change.
future—repair—machine creates a collective cultural framework to explore repair as a process to
trigger change — in a world in need of restoration.
Together we redefine repair as a multifaceted tool for change within our shared spaces.
United Cowboys applied with the project proposal “Circular Resistance'“ focusing on Eindhoven.
Creative Europe funding granted.
International Partners:
UniT, Graz, Austria
Pro Progression, Budapest, Hungary
Bis es mir vom Leibe fällt b.v., Graz/Berlin, A/D
Akademie August Everding, München, Germany
Perform Europe - European Fund gRanted
January-June 2022
Partner Cities: Gothenburg, Kyiv, Sofia
The Body as Reference for (R)Evolution represents a new collaboration in the frame of Perform Europe – a EU-funded project which aims to rethink cross-border performing arts presentation in a more inclusive, sustainable and balanced way. This project emphasises on the human dimension, the physical, in times of technology and digitalised dialogues also promoting the tangibility of all senses and bringing live experiences back into focus.
European Partners: United Cowboys (Netherlands), UA Association ‘Contemporary Dance Platform’ (Ukraine), ACT - Association for Independent Theatre (Bulgaria), Gothenburg Fringe Festival (Sweden)
Oct 2021 – oct 2024
Mallorca - Ripoll - Barcelona
Based on the ongoing collaboration with C.IN.E in Mallorca and Cia Sargantana in Ripoll United Cowboys is hosting week long artistic working session with local artists on site working towards a collective presentation, connecting artists, working methods, artistic mentalities and approaches.
The goal is to chain artists and creations to build up a co-created biotope as a public performance in Barcelona.
MAKK - Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln
2020 - 2022
In collaboration with Sommerblut Kulturfestival
United Cowboys live-art company was invited to create a work by a series of artistic working sessions in both Eindhoven and in Cologne connecting and intermixing local artists and “Cowboys” dancers through collective research. The process emphasized the human dimension, the physical, in times of technology and digitalized dialogues, choosing to promote the tangibility of all senses. Verisimilitude and vulnerability were set against the two-dimensional nature of digital information and exposure. The focus shifted to collecting relationships, as the work no longer grasps the final product as a static entity, but as an open entity that evolves and constantly enters into new relationships. The outcomes of this co-creation is the durational performance ‘Biotope’; staged in the MAKK - Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln; the project is a collaboration in the frame of this year’s Sommerblut Kulturfestival in Cologne, Germany.
*SOMMERBLUT, the "Festival of Multipolar Culture", sees itself as an inclusive cultural festival that connects different social, societal and political viewpoints and identities. The concept of inclusion is deliberately broad: it is about physical and cognitive characteristics, ways of life, value systems, traditions, beliefs - all that determines the identity of each person and the daily discourse in our society.
Project Digital Map: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO91rLgI=/...
concept: Maarten van der Put & Pauline Roelants
direction & scenery: Maarten van der Put
soundscapes and composition: Pauline Roelants
video: Maarten van der Put
video editing & mapping: Oscar van der Put
dancers/performers: Eulàlia Bergadà Serra, Anna Nilsson, Hanne Schillemans, Jef Stevens, Reinaldo Ribeiro, Alina Belyagina, Dennis Okatan, Lucia Orio, Pauline Roelants
technique: Dick Huetink
communication: Ulla Havenga, Xenia Tsompanidou
Masterclass GREC Festival, Barcelona
United Cowboys offers Masterclasses which can be booked privately, or can easily be embedded in festival programs, educational programs or performing arts events.
The "biotope" created by United Cowboys, functions as an environment for improvisation and development of new, individual material durning the Masterclass.
The strongly physical masterclasses start by introducing tools for a radical presence on stage, related to the challenging balance between vulnerability and power. All participants are invited to present their physicality and defend their individual territory.
The individual profiles, as result of this introduction, will be the foundation for a guided and structured improvisation at first.
The further the Masterclass evolves, the more freedom and space will be conquered.
Eventually, the group works up to an ongoing set-up of dance, images, structures and flows.
Explore individual approaches to movement in an intimate setting, based on the "biotope" environment.
Investigate multidisciplinary inputs from the field of image, dance, music and site-specific structures.
Spark collaborations and exchange initiatives
“Biotope /ˈbʌɪətəʊp/
The region of a habitat associated with a particular ecological community.
Possible Continuation
Masterclass participants will have the chance to be invited to join future productions and collaborations by United Cowboys.
Often our Masterclasses spark new collaborations, forge new international networks and encourage exchange initiatives.
Typically the Masterclasses offered by United Cowboys run over a period of 2 day sessions, up to a week.
Number of Participants
Limited placements. Group sizes can vary between 3-15.
* Masterclasses can be tailored to the individual needs of the group, organizer or event.
Inquiries: info@united-c.nl
Masterclass Fontys School of Performing Arts
Masterclass Cologne
We‘re always on the look-out for new, like-minded international collaborators and development opportunities. So, let's start a conversation: Contact us.