Evangelos Biskas

Evangelos Biskas (Thessaloniki/Greece, 1994) is a dancer and choreographer fascinated by the ability of the human body to understand and to express things. His curiosity to explore new possibilities of working with the body drives him to develop interdisciplinary projects, including other media such as physical theatre, sound design and visual arts. 

He graduated from the department of dance and choreography at Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (FHK) in Tilburg, Netherlands (2016) and was nominated by the academy’s award ‘Jacques de Leeuw prijs 2016’. With his graduation work ’Eternal Chilling’ (2016) he won the ‘Moving Forward-Young Dance Makers Award 2016’.  Since 2017 he is a supported young artist of PLAN-Brabant*. In 2020 Evangelos became a maker of Corpo Maquina*, a social-artistic company led by artistic director Guilherme Miotto.

Next to his own work as a maker, Evangelos also performs in works of other artists. He is currently performing in ’Even Worse’ by Guilherme Miotto- Corpo Maquina (2017). Some of his previous performances include  ’Loophole’ by Charlotte Goesaert (2017), ‘This is not a Sad Song’ by United Cowboys (2016), ‘EV’ by Fernando Belfiore (2016) and ‘iTernal PlayGround’ by Katja Heitmann (2014).